Levi Jordan PlantationConversations about the Pastby Carol McDavid |
For more on some problems with the words we use in these conversations, go to Words. |
Whose pasts? Many pasts...This plantation has many histories. This is not to say that "historical facts" don't exist, but it IS to say that the meanings of those facts are perceived differently by different people who have different points of view. Archaeologists see the same "facts" differently than people with different sorts of training, just as different descendants will see certain "facts" differently from each other. And you may have another point of view altogether! We hope this web site will allow all of these different voices to "speak". How to participate in the conversation...
The Big PictureThe organization overseeing this project, the Levi Jordan Plantation Historical Society, has addressed some of this in its Mission Statement and Statement of Belief. Have a look if you want more of the Big Picture of what we're up to. Or, go to Archaeology and the Internet, or to a report about this project, for more behind-the-scenes information. Also attached is a short essay entitled "Truth Claims, Conversations and Borderlands: Archaeology and the Internet", written during the early stages of this research. From time to time we will also post information about how all this is working. The first such posting (which will be on this page) will probably be in mid-1999. |
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Carol McDavid 1998